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August 31, 2006


Nicoline Braat

I definetly agree with you Marc, I think you've picked one of the biggest pittfals of innovation here.

If you see an innovative project as a one-off investment (there! we´ve done it: a smart & succesful new project..let´s pop open the champage and relax) you´re going to come out dissapointed..

It is like you say, you have to keep on your toes. You HAVE to stay open to the idea that although your solution is shaping the market now, YOU might have to let it go soon in order to stay ahead of competition..

It requires a readjustment in your way of thinking though ;-)

Did you know that John Patrick also has a blog? It's on http://patrickweb.com I thought it was funny you brought him up! I check his posts regularly and find his views very interesting.

Jeroen van Hoof


I agree with your assesment. And also partially with Nicoline.

However .... turning ideas (most innovations start as ideas) into something useable takes time and money.

What we see nowadays is that this process either takes too much time ... and by the time it is there customer-base has different needs. Or it takes too much money .. and since the investment was high the willingness to immediate change becomes smaller.

So being able to innovate doesn't just happen at the idea-end of the spectrum ... to really be able to innovate the speed and flexibility has to be build into development and delivery as well. So the whole "supply-chain" becomes involved in innovation. Not just the "thinkers".

Have fun.

Jeroen (Thinking up an innovation is easy ..... making it work a different story)


I do believe that research and development are just vital!


I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



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